Patients and Care Givers | Types of Cancer | Prostate | Talk to a Physician
Talk to a Physician
If you or a loved one has recently been diagnosed with cancer, it is important to take time to learn and consider the available treatment options or gather a second opinion before you decide.
My (doctor) did a biopsy and only talked about surgery but briefly mentioned brachytherapy and radiation as an alternative. It was heavy surgery. I would have liked the (doctor) to lay out the options in front of me."
David Mitchell
Men should be proactive about prostate cancer and treatment options. Ask the doctor about the options if the doctor doesn’t bring it up. Knowledge is power. Know all the options."
Jonathan Chance

My (doctor) did a biopsy and only talked about surgery but briefly mentioned brachytherapy and radiation as an alternative. It was heavy surgery. I would have liked the (doctor) to lay out the options in front of me."
David Mitchell
Men should be proactive about prostate cancer and treatment options. Ask the doctor about the options if the doctor doesn’t bring it up. Knowledge is power. Know all the options."
Jonathan Chance
Different treatment options have different side effects. Patients and their care givers should ask doctors about the risks, benefits, and success rates of each treatment option before deciding which treatment option is best for your health and lifestyle.
For many men who detect prostate cancer early, brachytherapy (brach·y·ther·a·py / brăk′ē-thĕr ə-pē) is a great treatment option to consider due to its effectiveness in curing prostate cancer but with minimal long term side effects such as incontinence (urine leakage) and impotence (erectile dysfunction). Prostate seed brachytherapy is a specific type of brachytherapy that allows patients to return to normal activities and enjoy an active lifestyle the next day after the procedure and well beyond treatment. Ask your physician to learn if prostate seed brachytherapy is the right treatment for your health and lifestyle.
(My doctor) said there are several options we can discuss but the one he recommended will give the best outcome and the greatest chance for a long healthy life with no complications and minimal risk."
Jonathan Chance
Specialist Opinions
Don’t hesitate to seek out additional specialists to gather more information. Radiation Oncologists are physicians who perform brachytherapy procedures. Consider seeing different specialists such as a Radiation Oncologist and/or a Urologist for multiple opinions and medical direction.
Clinical Experience
Be sure to understand the experience that your doctor has with a chosen procedure. Although a treatment option may be available to you, another doctor or specialist may have more experience in providing the same treatment option or may have experience with different treatment options.
There are different kinds of doctors. They all have different expertise and opinions. Don’t be afraid to look around and find a doctor who can give a second opinion. You need to be your own advocate."
Jonathan Chance
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Talk to Others
Talk to your family, friends, and neighbors and ask about their awareness of and experiences with different prostate cancer treatment options. Oftentimes, patients find out about prostate cancer survivors, support groups, treatment options, and side effects from people within their own community as well as online. Find out about their experiences with their prostate cancer treatments and their healthcare providers to help you decide which treatment is best for your health and lifestyle.
I knew guys who had surgery and what they experienced and went through. I’ve got buddies who didn’t do anything, those who had (prostate seed) implants, and those who decided to just do radiation."
Amos Tingle
All that silence almost killed me. It’s okay to tell your wife that there is a problem. My rock through all of it and soulmate is my wife, Christina. It was a family affair to fight the disease. My friends started a prayer group who send bible verses and words of encouragement. Two or three church congregations and groups prayed and sent postcards."
Jonathan Chance
I spoke to my neighbors and others who had treatment and a local support group leader told me about a hematology oncologist who had coincidentally also treated my neighbor’s wife for multiple myeloma. After a genome study, I was referred to a radiation oncologist to discuss treatment options. Everyone must be an advocate for your care. Treatment is a very personal choice."
David Mitchell
Talk to your family, friends, and neighbors about and ask about their awareness of and experiences with different prostate cancer treatment options. Oftentimes, patients find out about prostate cancer survivors, support groups, treatment options, and side effects from people within their own community as well as online. Find out about their experiences with their prostate cancer treatments and their healthcare providers to help you decide which treatment is best for your health and lifestyle.
All that silence almost killed me. It’s okay to tell your wife that there is a problem. My rock through all of it and soulmate is my wife, Christina. It was a family affair to fight the disease. My friends started a prayer group who send bible verses and words of encouragement. Two or three church congregations and groups prayed and sent postcards."
Jonathan Chance
I spoke to my neighbors and others who had treatment and a local support group leader told me about a hematology oncologist who had coincidentally also treated my neighbor’s wife for multiple myeloma. After a genome study, I was referred to a radiation oncologist to discuss treatment options. Everyone must be an advocate for your care. Treatment is a very personal choice."
I knew guys who had surgery and what they experienced and went through. I’ve got buddies who didn’t do anything, those who had had (prostate seed) implants, and those who decided to just do radiation."
Amos Tingle
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